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Process Mining Tip of the Week: #1


Data Modeling Made Simple

Today, we wanted to share a quick tip that can significantly simplify your data modeling experience in Celonis. By leveraging Celonis' intelligent features, you can effortlessly handle 1:N relationships within your data model. Celonis automatically detects 1:N relationships between tables in your data model. Let's consider an example using a "Test Activity" table and the "Cases" table. In this case, we have a minimal dataset with one case and two activities. It's worth noting that Celonis lists the dimension table as the activity table and the fact table as the end table. However, you can easily swap these back and forth and Celonis can load the data model correctly regardless of the table arrangement. This flexibility can be particularly useful when dealing with large tables or when you're uncertain about their alignment. By utilizing Celonis' compiler, you can quickly test different configurations and observe how the data model loads. Simply load the data with the desired arrangement, and Celonis will automatically detect and adjust accordingly. For example, if you initially load the model with the activities as the dimension table, you can later swap them back to their original positions and reload the data. Celonis will seamlessly adapt and load the model correctly. This feature eliminates the need to worry about meticulous table connections and ensures a smooth modeling process.

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